Tuesday, March 6, 2012


This week’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipe is Rugelach. The hosts this week are Margaret of The Urban Hiker and Jessica of My Baking Heart. Make sure you visit their blogs for this week’s complete recipe. Rugelach lends itself to many variations, so check out the links on the Tuesdays with Dorie site to see all of the different variations from the TWD bakers.

TWD has made Rugelach before, using the recipe in Baking from My Home to Yours. I loved that recipe and I was really excited to make this cookie/pastry again. Last time I made my Rugelach with raspberry jam, cinnamon sugar and nuts. I wanted to do something different so I went for a bit of tropical inspiration: I used apricot pineapple preserves and used macadamia nuts. I decided to leave out the dried fruits, but I had thought about using dried pineapple. It can be pretty tough so I decided to omit it. It seemed like the Rugelach had enough filling anyway.

Well, I didn’t have the best of luck with this Rugelach recipe. I even made it twice, trying to learn from the first round of mistakes but still no luck. I didn’t get the first round of cookies sealed properly, so they fell apart and leaked everywhere when I baked them. I made them again, making sure to seal the dough completely, but still no luck. I baked half of the cookies seam side down and half standing up on their side, but all sort of fell apart. I did get a couple that looked ok enough to photograph. They taste really good, so I think I just have better luck in making Rugelach shaped like little crescent rolls.

Recipe from Baking with Julia by Dorie Greenspan


  1. The tropical spin sounds great. I had major trouble with the spiral and will try the crescent shape next time.

  2. Well they do look delicious! I didn't make Rugelach last round. I'll have to try Dories recipe.

  3. well, you persevered... :) I had lots of issues with my first batch unravelling as well. the second batch spent extensive time in the fridge and did not unravel too much. Bake and Learn!

  4. i had trouble the first time around as well.The next time I used extra egg wash to seal them, this worked well. They look good enough to make me wish I had one.

  5. Yours look so nice! Love the tropical twist, too. I made one batch with dried mango, but have decided that while the flavor is nice, the texture is too fibrous for rugelach.

  6. I am sorry you had problems! I was a little iffy about baking them cut side down, I ended up baking several seam side down and they came out fine either way. I think they look delicious!

  7. Now that's perseverance. :) Mine fell apart too. I thought they were okay, but nothing I would try twice!

  8. You get bonus points for making them twice! Mine were a huge mess, but they were so tasty. I agree that crescents are the way to go with these.

  9. Based on your picture, one would never guess you had an issue.
    Wow, I can't believe you made thes twice.

  10. I also had to make mine twice. I rolled them into crescents both times so I can't say whether it worked out better for me than the swirls would have, but I had no problem with leakage :)
