Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Buttermilk Scones

This week’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipe is Buttermilk Scones. It seems like the last few months the Tuesdays with Dorie recipes have been dishes that take a really long time to make. I was thrilled to make scones this time, because the come together very quickly and bake up in just a few minutes. I have made a number of difference scones, and I like scones a lot. Mine never rise quite as high as I hope, but that’s ok. You can get the recipe for these scones with a quick search of the web. Make sure you check out the Tuesdays with Dorie site to see how the other TWD bakers did this week.

My oven is still not working, but the part to fix it is on its way! I baked these in my microwave/convection oven, which is a bit different than a traditional oven. My oven has a quick cook feature where you say the type of food and then it calculates the weight of the food and sets the time for you. It’s very interesting! These baked for a lot longer than you would bake them in the traditional oven, but it works out.  It didn’t have a scone setting, but it did have a setting for homemade biscuits and that worked just fine. 

I find that if I try to cut in the butter by hand, I overwork the dough. I used the food processor to cut in the butter and then transferred the mixture to a bowl to proceed. I just patted the dough out in circles rather than rolling. Using a rolling pin on scones seems like overkill. These smelled great while baking and they taste great too. I served them with butter and jam. They have a slightly crispy exterior and are soft in the middle, very nice. While I will be glad to get my oven back working, it’s been fun seeing what I can do with my alternate oven.

Recipe from Baking with Julia by Dorie Greenspan, page 210


  1. Glad these came out so well for you! I didn't even think about using the food processor for these! Next time! :)

  2. I'm impressed that you made these in the microwave. They look great.

  3. Congratulations!!! Your microwave worked well, your scones look great!!! Well done!!

  4. These look perfect despite not being made in your normal oven! I loved them, too :)

  5. Nice job being resourceful and using the appliance you had! You're brave! :)

  6. Wow! Now you really had to think outside the box to make these! I am glad to hear that your oven part is on it's way. Though you have certainly had great success being creative without it!

  7. Wow...good job on improvising! They look like they turned out great!

  8. Cool that they can be made in the food processor. And impressed that you made these without a conventional oven, too!

  9. Looks great! Glad you were able to make these. And I too was glad for a simple recipe!

  10. Impressive that you made these in an alternate type of oven. They look great. I really enjoyed these - especially for their simplicity!
