Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesdays with Dorie: Rugelach

Piggy of Piggy’s Cooking Journal picked this week’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipe, rugelach. This is one of those items that I keep thinking that I want to try and make, but never have actually tried it. Now I had the push to try it for the first time. I was familiar with the recipe and had seen it made before (on television, you’ve got to love the Food Network).

Dorie’s recipe calls for jam, cinnamon sugar, currants, nuts, and chocolate. That seemed like a lot of things, and since I knew that I had to roll these up, I wanted to keep it simple. I decided to use raspberry jam, cinnamon sugar, and nuts. I’d planned to use pecans, but at the last minute I decided to use the sliced almonds that I had. I didn’t have to chop those up so it was a bit of a time saver. My rugelach would be raspberry almond, which sounded good!

I’m always a little nervous when a recipe requires that you roll out dough to a certain dimension. I can usually manage to roll out something close to resembling a circle, so I wasn’t too worried. I seem to have better luck with cream cheese dough, and this was no exception. I was able to roll the dough out without any need to patch the dough. I spread it with the jam and added the toppings. It looked great. My counter was a big mess, but oh well.

I sliced them up with my pizza cutter and rolled them up. They looked good! They baked exactly as the recipe specified. The jam oozed out a bit and got a little browned, but that was the only issue. My silpat needs a good cleaning, but I was able to get the rugelach removed to a wire rack without much of a struggle. These were really tasty and I like that they aren’t too sweet. Perfect after the Halloween sugar overload!


chocolatechic said...

They look wonderful.

Michelle said...

they look absolutely yummy! I need to finish mine tonight. I think I will do the sliced almonds, too.

Amy of Sing For Your Supper said...

These look great - I bet the raspberry/almond combo was awesome!!


Beth said...

So pretty! I'm a fellow TWD baker, and I was thinking that it would be nice if we all could chip in and get Laurie some small token/gift for all the work she does. Would you be willing to contribute? If I can get enough people, it would only be about $1 per person. No pressure :-) Let me know! bethberg12@yahoo.com

Rebecca of "Ezra Pound Cake" said...

I've got to do a Dorie Rewind for these!

Anonymous said...

Your rugelach looks great!

Kaitlin said...

What's your secret to perfectly round dough? That's one skill I fear I'll never have.

Bungalow Barbara said...

Raspberry almond, yum! Yes, they're a bit messy but so worth it!